Press Release - 11/27

The Center: 7 Rivers LGBTQ Connection Executive Director Resigns. 

On November 27th, 2023, The Center: 7 Rivers LGBTQ Connection’s (The Center) Board of Directors received the resignation of our Executive Director, Alesha Schandelmeier. 

Over the past 7+ years, The Center has undergone considerable changes under Alesha’s leadership, including expanding our physical space. Alesha’s service to The Center extended beyond her paid work as she also facilitated youth groups and served on the board of directors. Cory Patrick, PhD, past board member (2017-2023) noted “Alesha's passion and dedication will be dearly missed. Her impact on The Center has been immeasurable." 

Niki Pohnl, past board president (2016-2018), shared “I have volunteered under Alesha’s direction at The Center for many years. Her leadership and dedication to supporting the needs of the LGBTQ+ community led to program growth, community education opportunities, and outreach events. Alesha is one of the most compassionate advocates I know, and it has a been a pleasure working with her.” 

The Center’s Board of Directors is grateful for Alesha’s passion and dedication to supporting the LGBTQ+ community in the Seven Rivers Region. 


Expected Operational Disruptions 

We expect there to be some operational disruptions as we continue discussions about restructuring for the future. Throughout this time, we remain committed to The Center’s mission to create spaces for connection, community, education, and advocacy for LGBTQIA+ people, our allies, and our neighbors. 


Drop-in Hours Disruption 

At the moment, we anticipate closing drop-in services effective December 8th. We will continue to update the community as disruptions become more clear. We know these are difficult days for our LGBTQIA+ community. Service disruptions to a queer-centered resource for any amount of time is the last thing we want to do with such great need before us. Know that during this time you are not alone. While our doors will be temporarily closed, you can continue to find supportive resources at:  

Support Groups Will Continue to Meet 

The Center offers a variety of support groups that meet throughout the month. The Center remains committed to keeping a safe and affirming space available for all of our groups. Please continue to check our social media (Facebook and Instagram) and our webpage for updates regarding group meetings. 


The Future of The Center 

As an LGBTQIA+ centered agency, our vision is for The Center to be a leader in the Seven Rivers Region in bringing pride, equity, and social justice to the LGBTQIA+ community and beyond. The growing climate of queer- and transphobia makes it even more important to assure that we do so in ways that both provide needed support and allow us to sustain our capacity to provide that support well into the future. 

In 2024, The Center will be celebrating and remembering 20 years of being a community resource throughout the seven rivers region. We look forward to continuing our decades long tradition of creating affirming spaces, offering high quality education, and advocating for the LGBTQIA+ community.  

If you have any questions or needs during this time, please do not hesitate to reach out to The Center’s Board of Director President, Elizabeth Digby-Britten, at 


Press Release - 11/13